About Elegant Barcode Nigeria

Elegant Barcode Nigeria, is a registered business in Nigeria with registration No. 3537435.
Our business is to help manufacturers get barcode for their products at ease without cumbersome paper work and pocket breaking budget. Yes, getting a unique barcode should not be a problem.
After seeing what manufacturers are going through in the hand of the other Barcode merchant, which includes and not limited to high rate, annual charges and later selling same barcodes to another manufacturer, when they cannot meet up with their unnecessary exploitations, which is very bad for business.
Isaac Odewole who is the CEO of Elegant Barcode Nigeria see this as an issue and went on research on how this can be resolved. The research gave birth to Elegant Barcode Nigeria a website where you can buy barcodes with just few clicks.
After selling to many companies which includes Hypo Homecare Products Limited, Wey Laboratories Industries Limited (Manufacturer of popular Dera Shampoo), Nicky Industries Limited, Shawnpenn Nig.Ltd and many more, we can boldly tell you that our Barcodes will work in almost all the Major stores both online and offline, Globally.

How we source our Barcodes

We buy directly from our foreign partners that have access to companies that have barcode prefix and have the right to transfer their barcode ownership because they bought the prefix from UCC before they turn to GS1. This make their barcodes free from any annual charges and buyable instead of leasing i.e "you have 100% control over Barcodes that you buy from us".

Note: Elegant Barcode Nigeria has been in the existence since 2018 and we have not gotten any legal issue with any of our customer, all our dealings are transparent and are all tailored towards customer satisfaction.